We have the full infrastructure in place to manage, breed, vaccinate and reintroduce the wild dogs, but the feed regime is such a rigorous task as there can be no failure in the daily meat supply. These dogs can never have enough meat and it really does add to their overall health.
We reintroduced 15 wild dogs back to the wild in January and February 2014, in two packs. We have another eight dogs ready for reintroduction after the next rains in May 2014.
The first pack comprised four females and four males. They were released after being held at the reintroduction compound on the Tsavo NP / Mkomazi NP border for about two weeks. On the way over the to reintroduction compounds, we saw a pack of about 15 wild dogs which was fantastic.
Recent discussions with the Tanzanian Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) on the possibility of the Mkomazi wild dogs forming part of the TAWIRI and TANAPA project to reintroduce wild dogs to the Serengeti National Park have been very positive.
The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust
141a High Street
Kent TN8 5AX
email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 1732 866955
The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust
24466 Malibu Rd
CA 90265
email: [email protected]
Tel: +1-310-777-3555
George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust (Kenya) Elgeyo Marakwet Close
PO Box 57792
© 2024 KORA PROJECT – The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust
UK: Registered Charity number 279598
USA: Non-profit organisation 501(c)3
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