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Distemper Vaccinations in an African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus) Breeding Program

Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol 8, No 2, February 2002

Verg.ber. Erkrg. Zootiere (2001) 40 Distemper, Rabies and Parvovirus Vaccinations in a Captive Breeding Programme for the African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus) in Northern Tanzania A M Visee DVM

Parenthood analysis of the African Wild Dog from the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania Dr A L Kappe

History of Mkomazi Game Reserve: part 1 (pre-1969)

Perspective on a five year management strategy for the Mkomazi Game Reserve 2002-2006

GAWPT Rafiki wa Faru Environmental Education Programme for 2010 – report by Dr Maggie Esson of Chester Zoo

Cathy Dean presentation of factors surrounding environmental education programmes

Rhino sanctuary assessment

Rhino sanctuary feedback

Dr. Dana Holečková – Reintroducing Black Rhinos from Dvur Kralove Czech Republic to Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary Tanzania

Rhino Resource Center

Black Rhino Conservation in Tanzania

A Guide to the African Wild Dog (30th June 2011)

Veterinary report 2002

Veterinary report 1999 – 2001

Veterinary report 1998

Veterinary report 1997

Veterinary report 1996

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