Our Partners and Supporters

Our Partners

The Trust is immensely grateful to all the organisations who work alongside us, ranging from government authorities, dedicated individuals, as well as a variety of wildlife conservation charities, charitable trusts and foundations.

Kenya Wildlife Service

Tanzania National Parks

Our Supporters

We are indebted to the generosity of all of our supporters, ranging from small groups of dedicated individuals, to the significant support and assistance that has come from a variety of wildlife conservation charities, charitable trusts and foundations, corporate sponsors and institutions. 

They have all been integral to the success of our past work in Mkomazi and to our current field work in Kora since our arrival in 2020. We thank them all and look forward to welcoming new supporters to the Kora project in the future.

Marina L Schreyer Charitable Trust
The Huckleberry Foundation
The Friends of GAWPT
The Wendell Robert & Sharon Scarlett Trust
The charity committee of Troy Asset Management
Lawrence Israel Family Fund
Praglin Family Trust
Sarnia Charitable Trust

Our Past Supporters

The Mkomazi Project – 1989-2019

When the Wildlife Division and the Trusts undertook The Mkomazi Project in 1989, a long and daunting task lay ahead. The rehabilitation of a devastated piece of land to its eventual recognition as one of Tanzania’s national parks, the rehabilitation of two of Africa’s critically endangered species and the pressing need to provide assistance to the communities surrounding the game reserve combined to present a hugely challenging project. It required not only a concentration of limited resources to the best effect, but also the renewal, revival and reversal of the damage of the previous years. 

We would like to thank everyone who was involved in this extraordinary project for those 30 years, for without such support it could not have been accomplished. On every level the successes the project enjoyed were a direct result of the voluntary support, generosity and goodwill of very many people.  

The Fund for Nature of HRH Prince Bernard
Marina L Schreyer Charitable Trust
US Fish & Wildlife Elephant Conservation Fund
The Friends of Mkomazi
Barbara Delano Foundation
Ray Rowe Trust for Animals
The Huckleberry Foundation
Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation
Lawrence Israel Family Fund
Glen Beg Foundation
Anna Merz Rhino Trust
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
Cycle of Life
Rothermere Trust
Praglin Family Trust
Bower Trust
The Wendell Robert & Sharon Scarlett Trust
Cedar Hill Foundation
Ruth and Sheldon Goldstein Foundation
Tusk USA Inc
The charity committee of Troy Asset Management
Benenson Foundation Inc.
Bilton Charitable Foundation
Sarnia Charitable Trust
Francis and Benj Benenson Foundation
The Charge II
J.S. Charitable Trust
Dell Giving
Bloomberg LP
Tanzanian Wildlife Fund
Evie Fund

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