Kora Project,
Kora Project,
Kora Project,
Kora Project,
Kora Project,

The Trust works in close collaboration with Kenya Wildlife Service in a restoration and rehabilitation programme focusing on the rebuilding of a safe and sustainable ecosystem and the protection of the habitat and wildlife of Kora National Park, and in continuing our work amongst the communities in the surrounding area.

The core infrastructure is being established of roads, bridges and dams, communication systems and a workshop. The community outreach programme around Kora has been operating for almost twenty years, helping to build schools and provide water. 

The time is now to accelerate this work and rehabilitate this vanishingly rare ecosystem.




I feel I can no longer go on answering questions about Kora. But I have some to ask. Who will now care for the animals in the reserve, for they cannot look after themselves? Are there young men and women in Kenya who are willing to take on this charge? In the meantime, how soon will the often-promised guards be sent to patrol Terence’s roads and stand firm on the banks of the Tana when the reserve is ravaged by drought? Who will raise their voices, when mine is carried away on the wind, to plead Kora’s case?”

George Adamson, 1986

George Adamson moves to Kora, renting the land from the Tana River council
Christian, the lion from Harrods in London, arrives in Kora
Terence Adamson and his team begin to open up the roads and tracks in Kora
George and Terence Adamson are joined in Kora by Tony Fitzjohn
The catastrophic poaching of elephants and rhinos is on the ascent
Terence Adamson clears the road to the westernmost point of the Reserve
The 40-mile boundary on the south-west side of the Reserve is made by Terence Adamson
Establishment of the Kora Wildlife Preservation Trusts in the UK and Kenya
The Kora Research Project commences, a joint venture between the Royal Geographical Society and the National Museums of Kenya
Death of Terence Adamson
The Kora Wildlife Preservation Trust changes its name to the George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust
Tony Fitzjohn is invited by the Government of Tanzania to work with them on the rescue and rehabilitation of the degraded Mkomazi Game Reserve in north-eastern Tanzania, contiguous with Tsavo West National Park in Kenya
Tony Fitzjohn embarks on the first recces of the Mkomazi Game Reserve with the project manager of the Wildlife Division of Tanzania
Kora is upgraded to National Park status
Bandits burn George Adamson's camp to the ground
1996 to 1999 - Dr Anne Spoerry of African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF) 'Medicine by Air' begins medical clinic visits to Asako village
Water rehabilitation project started in Asako village with funding from GAWPT and AMREF
The consruction of Adamson's Bridge over the Tana River, linking Meru National Park and Kora National Park, is completed
AMREF Flying Doctor's medical clinics continue in Asako village
Rebuilding of Kampi ya Simba continues. A platoon base is opened up on the Kampi ya Simba airstrip
Meetings and discussions continue with KWS
Tony Fitzjohn is awarded the OBE in The Queen's Birthday Honours List, for services to wildlife in East Africa
Trusts for African Schools support Asako Primary School
Work starts on maintaining the airstrip
The Asako water windmill pump well needs to be deepened to find cleaner water or moved to another site. Trusts for African Schools increase support to Asako Primary School and Madogo Secondary School
A key official meeting took place in Mwingi between the heads of department of KWS and GAWPT to outline the objectives for the rehabilitation of Kora and to commence the preparation of the memorandum of understanding between the two parties
Tony Fitzjohn and HE Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka invited by KWS to the Mwingi Signing at KWS HQ. KWS intend to take over the management and close administration of Mwingi National Reserve
New tractor, trailer, grader blade and water bowser delivered to Kampi ya Simba. Jamie Manuel starts to work for GAWPT in Kora and obtains a private pilot's license
The 22nd year memorial to George Adamson is held in Kora, organised by KWS
A male lion cub delivered to Kora by Dr Peter Morkel and is looked after by Jamie Manuel. A documentary is made on this
Meetings take place with KWS, GAWPT and the provincial Commissioner, North Eastern Province and the District Commissioner Mbalambala
GAWPT builds a new office for the Chief at Boka village. Trusts for African Schools funds dormitories at Boka Primary School
Wildlife poaching on the ascent and terrorist attacks in Kenya. Drought and disease burning for charcoal and destruction of the riverine forests on the northern and southern banks of the Tana River all take their toll
Trusts for African Schools expand their support to include other schools
Tony Fitzjohn and Stephen Kameti attend meeting for the preparation of a general management plan for Kora
Submissions made to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KWS, Dr Richard Leakey, and Cabinet Secretaries
KWS connect the Kijito water windmill pump to the village school and KWS water system at their platoon base
Meetings with the Governor for Kitui County on the development of Kora
Framework management plan produced for Kora by GAWPT and Dr Ian Games in conjunction with KWS. Fencing contractor surveys Kora fencing project
Famine relief support donated by GAWPT and conservation days organised by Trusts for African Schools in the communities
Handover of the Mkomazi Project in Tanzania and return to Kenya to work full time with KWS on the rehabilitation of Kora National Park, continuing extensive discussions for the long-term stewardship, conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development of Kora and to forward joint objectives
Equipment brought in from Tanzania to be used for the field work in Kora. This includes two aircraft (Cessna 206 and Supercub), tractor, trailer, water bowser and support vehicles
Covid Pandemic
GAWPT continues its field work in Kora in partnership with KWS, continuing the legacy of George Adamson, Terence Adamson and Tony Fitzjohn
George is joined in Kora by his brother Terence Adamson
Construction of Kampi ya Simba begins
Rehabilitation of lions to the wild
Kora is gazetted into a National Reserve
End of the rhinos in Kora; rhinos seldom seen after this time
Unprecedented numbers of shifta poaching gangs rampaging through Kora
Joy Adamson murdered at her home in Shaba
Rehabilitation of leopards to the wild
An aircraft is donated to the Trust and Tony Fitzjohn gains his Private Pilot's License
By 1986, the lion programme had seen the breeding of a third generation of lions and some of those third-generation lions had five litters of cubs
Construction commences of a bridge over the Tana River
The Tony Fitzjohn George Adamson African Wildlife Preservation Trust in the USA is formed
20th August 1989 - George Adamson is murdered in Kora National Reserve
The Mkomazi Project in Tanzania gets underway, focusing on infrastructural development and security
The Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Kenya asks Tony Fitzjohn to produce an operational plan to reserve environmental degradation in Kora and fully protect the area for the future
Discussion continue with Dr Richard Leakey and KWS on the future development of Kora National Park and GAWPT's commitment to this
Rebuilding of George Adamson's camp, Kampi ya Simba
Tony Fitzjohn undertakes a survey with Mark Jenkins, KWS Senior Warden of Meru and Kora National Parks, to assess how GAWPT could assist KWS in the redevelopment of Kora National Park
A water hand-pump is funded by GAWPT and installed by AMREF in Asako village and they receive their first clean water ever
Rebuilding of George Adamson's camp complete. Peace is the most notable development in Asako with an increased KWS presence
A Kijito water windmill pump, funded by GAWPT, is installed on a 30 foot tower in Asako
Clearing of the back road from Masyungwa to Kampi ya Simba underway by KWS with some support from GAWPT
KWS committed to rehabilitating Kora as part of the Meru Conservation Area
Discussions continue with KWS about a partnership with GAWPT in the rehabilitation of Kora
A 21 year memorial is held in Kora by KWS to commemorate the death of George Adamson
GAWPT supports ongoing work in the park and the purchase of plant machinery
Trusts for African Schools extends its support for education to Boka village. Funds donated by GAWPT to KWS to construct an airstrip close to Boka village
Jamie and Omar Tana start to work on the production of an updated map of Kora for GAWPT and GPS'd all base-line data
Catholic Relief Services survey, site and drill a new well for the old water Kijito windmill pump in Asako village
Environmental Impact Assessment carried out by KWS commences on proposed fencing on the boundary of Kora
Stephen Kameti of Trusts for African Schools carries out its education programmes in the communities to the west and east of Kora
Environmental Impact Assessment on Kora fencing project completed
Meetings and discussions with KWS and County Governors
KWS re-lay the pipe from the water windmill pump in Asako to the village holding tanks
Historic meeting in Nairobi with GAWPT (UK and Kenya), KWS, County Governors of Kitui County and Tana River County, MPs, representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, the fencing contractor, the EIA team and Trusts for African Schools all brought together to discuss a viable development project to link Kora and Mwingi National Reserve as a single contiguous ecosystem
The GAWPT fencing project for Kora receives NEMA approval
Trusts for African Schools continue valuable education work for Asako Primary School, Boka Primary School, Madogo Secondary School, Mitamisyi Secondary School, Kaseluni Primary School, El Rar Primary School and Jarajara Primary School
Key consolidation talks to move forwards with the rehabilitation of the Park
Tony Fitzjohn and Steve Kameti embark on Kora initiative again with senior government officials
KWS produce Kora National Park management plan
Discussions with KWS culminate in a visit by the cabinet Secretary to Kampi ya Simba
Upgrade and overhaul of Kampi ya Simba begins
23rd May 2022 - Tony Fitzjohn, field director of the GAWPT's, dies of cancer and is buried in Kora next to George Adamson, Terence Adamson and the lions Boy, Supercub and Mugi
Field work continues in partnership with Kenya Wildlife Service with road maintenance, water pan development and construction of ranger housing. The community outreach work of TAS is integrated into the wider projects of the Trust.

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