Mkomazi Project,
Mkomazi Project,
Mkomazi Project,
Mkomazi Project,
Mkomazi Project,


Mkomazi National Park is one of the richest savannahs in African in terms of the number of rare and endemic fauna and flora; it is unique in Tanzania in terms of wildlife and habitat; it is the only trans-boundary national park in Tanzania and the second largest trans-frontier protected area in East Africa.

Being contiguous with the Tsavo National Parks in Kenya, it offered an opportunity for the Trust for modelling the management of trans-frontier protected areas; it possessed a management challenge for solving conservation problems caused by man; it was the base of the Trust’s two high profile endangered species programmes; and it was, for a long time, one of the most used outdoor laboratories for training institutes in Tanzania, second only to the Serengeti National Park.

When the Wildlife Division and the Trust undertook The Mkomazi Project in 1989, a long and daunting task lay ahead. The rehabilitation of a devastated piece of land to its’ eventual recognition as one of Tanzania’s national parks, the rehabilitation of two of Africa’s critically endangered species and the pressing need to provide assistance to the communities surrounding the game reserve combined to present a hugely challenging project. It required not only a concentration of limited resources to the best effect, but also the renewal, revival and reversal of the damage of the previous years.    

Tony Fitzjohn is invited by the Government of Tanzania to work with them on the rehabilitation of the neglected and degraded Mkomazi Game Reserve in north-eastern Tanzania, contiguous with Tsavo West National Park in Kenya.
Wildlife Preservation Trust Fund in Tanzania is formed
The Mkomazi Project is underway, focusing on infrastructure and security. A work team is recruited led by the inspirational Elisaria Nnko
Work focuses on the construction of over 900kms of roads, 7 airstrips, firebreaks, reserve boundaries, communications, the construction of a base-camp and 4,500 hours of aircraft patrols
The Royal Geographical Society expedition to Mkomazi is given the go ahead and construction starts on their research camp. The Trust helps by putting a radio base station in their camp and clearing a rough airstrip near their camp
An old well and piping is resurrected to supply the camp. Communications are installed
Planning of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary underway following a visit and request from the Director of Wildlife
Maore waterpan is excavated. Drilling for water commences and two sites are found and boreholes sunk close to the base-camp. One site was found near the game reserve HQ with a very high yield
Mkomazi Outreach Programme commences in the villages surrounding the reserve, coordinated by lay-missionaries Harrie Simons & Truus Nicolasen
Discussions ongoing on the source of black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) for the planned Mkoimazi Rhino Sanctuary. Visit to South Africa to meet with the South African National Parks Board and the fundraising takes place for the construction of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and the translocation of the first four black rhino from Addo National Park to Mkomazi
The decision was taken without warning or consultation to license "sport" hunting in Mkomazi, a devastating turn of events. Hezekiah Mungure is transferred out of Mkomazi for objecting. Reacting to public outcry, a Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee is formed by MPs and a probe is established to look into the allocation of hunting blocks
The trustees work tirelessly to help restore the Trust's development and rehabilitation of Mkomazi
The construction of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary continues with the peripheral fence line bulldozed, along with the clearing of roads, tracks and areas for security outposts. An assessment of the planned rhino sanctuary is carried out by Dr Mike Knight and Dr Peter Morkel
A JCB is donated to the Trust by Sir Anthony Bamford. Save the Rhino undertake an expedition to walk from Mombasa and to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing the rhino costumes. TUSK Trust fund the vehicles and general running costs
The setting up of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and the African wild dog breeding and rehabilitation programme
The African Wild Dog Programme commences with three litters of pups from the Masai Steppe area. The village secretary at Engassumet writes to the Trust to ask them to remove the dogs as they are a menace and they will soon be poisoned or burned in their dens. Giles Thornton captures the pups and the adults disperse. The pups are flown to the base-camp
Dr Aart Visee commences the veterinary and vaccination programme for wild dogs. Vaccination crush tunnels are installed. The dogs are separated out into breeding compounds
The George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust in the Netherlands is formed
Construction of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary continues. The fence line is re-cleared and fence posts and wire are ordered and shipped from Kenya. A visit is received from the National Parks Board of South Africa
Tony Fitzjohn appears before a Congressional Oversight Committee in Washington to testify on the status of the black rhino and the elephant, their CITES listings and the attempts to open up the ivory trade again. Tony speaks on behalf of the Government of Tanzania
Nina, an elephant held at the Mount Meru Game Sanctuary in Arusha, is translocated to Mkomazi. Construction of her holding compound took many months using old railway track as the roof. The translocation is filmed for TV. Martin Clunes accompanies Nina and the Born Free Foundation fund the move
The first translocation takes place of four black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) from Addo National Park in South Africa to Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary in Tanzania. Dr Peter Morkel is the vet in charge of the translocation
Jipe, a female lion cub, is brought to Mkomazi by the Senior KWS Warden of Tsavo West National Park. Zacharia Nassary becomes her keeper. A compound is built for her at the base-camp and work starts on the construction of an initial rehabilitation compound for her in the Rhino Sanctuary
Grading commences on the internal fence line to create a new introduction area in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. The fence line is then constructed. Dr Peter Morkel comes to replace the horn transmitters on the two bulls. Foot patrols commence on the external periphery of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
A new 75,000 gallon capacity water tanker is bu8ilt at the base-camp
Elephant poaching on the ascent. Joint patrols on the Mkomazi/Tsavo border commence with both the Wildlife Division and KWS and the Trust supports with aircraft observations
The George Adamson Wildlife Preservation e.V. in Germany is formed
Work commences on bringing electricity to Zange HQ to pump water from the high yield borehole sunk by the Trust. Water can then be provided for the local villagers
Wild dogs are breeding and Dr Aart Visee continues the vaccination and veterinary programme. The wildlife authorities of Tanzania meet with the Trust to work on the reintroduction plans for the wild dogs
The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism opens the Kisiwani Secondary School, built by the Trusts and Harrie Simons and Truus Nicolasen
The reintroduction proposal for the wild dogs presented to the wildlife authorities is met with approval. The dogs continue to breed; Dr Aart Visee continues his vaccination and veterinary programme and Roger Burrows advises
Distressingly, a canine distemper outbreak begins to devastate the wild dog packs, despite vaccination from a killed vaccine donated by the Department of Virology at the Erasmus University
The Trust donates the acquisition and installation of a water pump at the Zange HQ borehole. Desilting of the major dams in the reserve commences (Dindira, Kavateta, Kisima)
GAWPT writes the history of Mkomazi pre-1969 which is written together with David Anstey, the warden who gazetted Mkomazi Game Reserve in 1951
Preparations continue for the arrival of the four black rhino involving considerable logistics, paperwork and protocols
HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands awards Tony Fitzjohn the Order of the The Golden Ark for his contribution to conservation
Tusk Trust, Save the Rhino International, Marina Schreyer, the Baxters, Van Tienhoven Foundation, US Fish & Wildlife, Richard Goldman's Environmental Foundation and Lewa Wildlife Conservancy all donated in funds or in kind to the rhino programme
A new pack of African Wild Dogs forms and a litter of 8 pups are born. After consultation with the Department of Virology at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, a trial is established to investigate the problem of canine distemper
The Director of Wildlife presents a favourable report on The Mkomazi Project to the Tanzanian Parliament
The other rhinos are doing well although no sign of a calf as yet. A second internal fence is constructed to create an area to hold 2 rhino from a zoo population, in an effort (albeit ultimately unsuccessful) by International Rhino Foundation
The vet from South African National Park who translocated the four black rhino returned to fit horn telemetry transmitters and move them all to their designated area. He said that the Trust personnel were the most conscientious and hardworking teams he had ever worked with
The rhinos translocated in 2001 begin to settle down
The honourable Minister for Education visits Kisiwani Secondary School and thanks the Trust for the funds donated towards its overall construction. The Trust funds the construction of a science laboratory
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism brings electricity from the main road to the borehole the Trust surveyed and drilled at Zange HQ and our USA trust donates a water pump for the borehole. The local villagers now have a daily water supply
The Mkomazi Game Reserve Football team receives new shirts. The JCB is deployed to Same town to carry out works for the community
Elephant numbers begin to increase along with a fragile increase in the numbers of oryx, lesser kudu, eland, buffalo and zebra
Aircraft patrols, road network development and airstrip construction continue
Good relations continue with the Wildlife Division Project Manager of Mkomazi Game Reserve and our working partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is on a strong footing
The Wildlife Division officially approves an approach to DFID to fund a response to inaccurate and biased documents that were written with DFID funding about the game reserve and its' environs
Trustees from the UK, USA, Holland, Germany and Tanzania all visit. Tony undertakes a mammoth fundraising trip across the USA
A new engine is installed in the Cessna 206. A new generator is donated, along with workshop equipment, vehicle spares and educational equipment. Fuel from BP and cement from Tanga Cement are donated locally. Our communication systems are revolutionised by Paul Chauveau
The documentation is prepared for a formal approach to the Dvur Kralove Zoo, Czech Republic, who hold a population of Diceros bicornis michaeli black rhino
Discussions continue with TANAPA and TAWIRI on the reintroduction programme for the African wild dogs
Prof. Osterhaus and Marco van der Bildt of Erasmus University Rotterdam continue to help investigate the immunity of the African wild dog and to find a solution to the canine distemper problem
Roger Burrows visits the programme and concludes that social, sexual and feeding hierarchies of the captive Mkomazi packs parallels that of the free-living wild dogs in the Serengeti ecosystem
Students from MWEKA College of African Wildlife Management visit regularly. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority sends in 26 members of their rhino surveillance teams to undertake training in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
The Trust works with the Wildlife Division to desilt Dindira Dam. Permanent staff are now posted to the major water pans. US Fish & Wildlife, Tusk Trust and IFAW support these critical tasks that are essential to the basic development of a protected area
Dr Sommerlatte, the Trust and the WD Project Manager continue to work on the management perspective for Mkomazi Game Reserve
Good relations continue with the Wildlife Division. The Kenya Wildlife Services bulldozer continues making its way down the international boundary between Mkomazi and Tsavo. It moves past Maore en route to Kavuma
Community conservation safaris continue. The Trust funds the construction of a science laboratory at Kisiwani Secondary School. Seven secondary schools are identified by the Trust for assistance in upgrading infrastructure. Meetings with local government continue. TFJ attends a lunch for HE President Ben Mkapa for Same Education Day
The JCB excavates a fuel tank site in Same. The Trust donated a photocopier to the District Commissioner's office in Same. The Trust funded university fees, secondary and primary school fees
Jipe the lioness gave birth to two cubs, a male and a female
The machines begin to move to the south of the reserve to grade and construct road networks, airstrips, firebreaks and outposts in the Umba section
Save the Rhino organise a fundraiser at the Wimbledon Greyhound Racetrack
The Trust receives a visit from HRH Princess Michael of Kent. Trustees and supporters continue to visit
The partnership between GAWPT and the Wildlife Division remains solid with weekly meetings
Anti-poaching patrols take place throughout the course of the year, some joined by the Kenya Wildlife Services
GAWPT establishes a security outpost at Kifakua on a hilltop with a huge visual range, complementing the already-established outposts at Maore and Kilo Zulu. Next security outpost planned for Kamakota
Death of Badger the rhino, translocated to Mkomazi in 1997 from South Africa, to a condition that he arrived with. The main problem appears to be a central nervous system lesion with related complications. It is a tribute to the rhino sanctuary personnel and their dedication to his well-being that he survived for so long
The Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary personnel earn high praise from many rhino managers and vets for their dedication professionalism, courage and energy. 8 rhino rangers from the Selous Game Reserve and 12 rhino rangers from Serengeti National Park come for operational training under the Mkomazi personnel
Large sections of the internal fence are opened up to allow the newer rhino to mix with the resident rhino
Calls of sympathy and regret reach us from all over Tanzania as she was a symbol to many Tanzanians of the understanding that can exist between man and wild animals. Her cubs survive and thrive
US Fish & Wildlife Elephant Conservation Fund donate a dam scoop and ten ton tipping trailer; Sir Anthony Bamford donated an 80HP Fastrac tractor
A vaccination research programme is being undertaken to study the immunity of the African wild dog and a new wild dog and a new vaccine was introduced. Amsterdam Zoo Artis agreed to join the vaccination programme with Dr Aart Visee and the Trust with 18 of their pups. Prof. Osterhaus and his team at Erasmus University, Rotterdam are carrying out the research
Healthy populations of elephant, eland, lesser kudu, oryx, gerenuk and buffalo regularly seen
Our orphaned serval cat, who had suffered us through gritted teeth and finally reached maturity, went back to the wild and we are all delighted that he is free at last. We see him again but not if he sees us first
Lion populations remain depressingly low, the gruesome business of selling their skin, claws and teeth a major factor. A sad and unnecessary decline for a supremely courageous predator
Rebuilds, repairs, maintenance cycles for all vehicles, heavy plant machinery and equipment continues. Fred Ayo is now proficient in stripping down Landrovers to their chassis and rebuilding them
GAWPT gives a donation of cement to Shigantini Secondary School in Mwanga District. Donations given for school fees, Same Education Board, Lutheran Church bell tower, refurbishment of the local mosque, Same Police Station construction. The water pump provided by GAWPT at Majevu village continues to provide water for the villagers
Mkomazi Game Reserve is to be upgraded to a National Park and this is now formally confimed by the Government of Tanzania
Suzuki Rhino Club in the Netherlands increases support for the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Infrastructure development in the reserve continues apace, with ongoing road development and maintenance, building of permanent ranger outposts in the field, dam desilting, aircraft patrols and the successful application of a tourist operator to build a tented camp in the reserve
HRH Princess Michael of Kent agrees to become the Royal Patron of GAWPT in the UK
The JCB and Fastrac tractor, both donated by JCB, are deployed to continue the huge and ongoing brief of road constriction and maintenance throughout the reserve
A permanent ranger outpost constructed at Kamakota. Outposts at Kifakua and Maore upgraded
Vaccination research for canine distemper and rabies in the African wild dogs comes to a conclusion. The newly used distemper vaccine proved to be successful and there was no need to have the participation of the dogs of the first born litters. At this time, the new vaccine is only available on an irregular basis
Thanks to the work of Dr Aart Visee GAWPT and the Erasmus University Rotterdam, it is now known that African wild dogs have to be vaccinated three times instead of once for the vaccinations to work
A paper is written on the Genetic Analysis of the African wild dog in the Mkomazi Project by Dr Kappe of Gendika following DNA analysis. The conclusion is that 'There is considerable genetic variation in the African wild dog population in The Mkomazi Project.' This satisfies the requirement for reintroduction
First reintroduction of a small pack (4 brothers) of African wild dogs undertaken in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. Quick adaption to life in the wild and hunting. Food and water always provided from reintroduction compound in the Rhino Sanctuary if needed for the first few months
JCB helps Same District Council with clearing of a new road from Same to Vumari village
The underground observation bunker constructed in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary by a major water pan proves invaluable for monitoring and observation
The Scania water tanker continues daily trips to Zange HQ (90km round-trip) to collect water for the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and our base-camp
Suzuki Rhino Club brings firstly 40 Suzuki dealers from the Netherlands to Tanzania to try to raise funds for GAWPT and the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary, following an event held in the Netherlands which Tony speaks at. The following year 85 Suzuki dealers from the Netherlands visit Tanzania
Aircraft patrols continue throughout the year. Discussions with KWS on cross border patrols continue
Students from MWEKA College for African Wildlife Management continue to visit the reserve and the project twice yearly
HRH Princess Michael of Kent becomes Royal Patron of GAWPT in the UK. Tony gives the 10th anniversary AMEX presentation for Tusk Trust at the Royal Geographical Society in London. Tony, Olly & Suzi take part in a discussion at the Royal Institution in London
Nina the elephant's calf is now two years old
WPTF signs a four-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Natural Rescources and Tourism
Dams and water pans are protected by permanent security outposts. Many road networks washed out so heavy road maintenance underway. plant machinery constantly deployed
Aircraft patrols continue, Wildlife Division rangers on ground patrol, KWS rangers on ground patrol near the boundary area
Tanzania National Parks are underway with the process of upgrading Mkomazi to national park status
1 bull rhino dies from injuries after fighting another 2 bulls
The borehole is activated and pumping water. Although poor in quality, it will provide a useful backup to the current water supply systems
The rhino meta-population of the Tsavo/Mkomazi ecosystem is already an integral component of Tanzania's and Kenya's efforts to recover and breed up viable populations of D.b.michaeli black rhino over the next few decades
Another breeding group is established for the African wild dog breeding programme bringing the number of breeding groups up to five. An alpha female dies
A pack of 9 male African wild dogs (brothers) are moved to the reintroduction area given their booster vaccinations and after being held in the compound for a few weeks are released. They are monitored for many weeks and are hunting. Feed and water will be available to them in these early weeks
Two wild packs of African wild dogs circle the camp for a few months and then move on. It is interesting to see the amount of wild and hidden roaming packs that have come close to the camp from unknown routes and origins
GAWPT in Germany fundraises for the outreach programme and we are able to donate roofing sheets for Kankokora Secondary School, and cement and roofing sheets for Kivingo Primary School and Lunguza Secondary School. The handover is filmed as part of a short documentary to promote the outreach programme in Germany. Funds are also raised for the construction of a library at Hedaru Secondary School (bricks, cement and roofing sheets)
GAWPT donates cement for the RC Same Secondary School, building materials for the Same District Council rest-house, transport of sand in the GAWPT tractor for building projects at he Kisiwani Secondary School and the ongoing provision of water to the villagers of Majevu. Close communication continues with the District and Regional authorities
20 years ago, when GAWPT was asked to join the Wildlife Division of the Government of Tanzania on a programme of rehabilitation of a long-degraded area, the outcome of national park status was but a distant vision
Tanzania National parks (TANAPA) take over the management and close administration of the park. Mkomazi National Park signboards go up
Discussions continue with Dr Hamish Currie of Back to Africa and Dr Dana Holeckova (Director, Dvur Kralove Safari Park, Czech Republic) on the translocation of three black rhino from Dvur Kralove to the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. Dr Pete Morkel to be the vet in change. Suzuki Rhino Club to support logisitcs
Meetings take place to discuss the formalisation of the new working partnership between the Trust in Tanzania and TANAPA
Negotiations continue with Martinair, headed by Ted van Dam of the Suzuki Rhino Club to transport the rhinos from Schipol Airport, Amsterdam to Kilimanjaro Airport. Rhinos are to be transported by lorry from Czech Republic to the Netherlands
Suzuki Rhino Club donate three vehicles for the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. WSPA donates a vehicle for field work. Tusk Trust, Save the Rhino, JCB, Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, Friends of Serengeti Switzerland, Tom and Nancy Gallagher continue their great support of the project
Another calf is lost to a sudden-death black mamba snake bite. Tanzanian Wildlife Research Institute carry out the autopsy
Breeding and vaccinations of the African wild dogs in the programme continues with four breeding packs. The reintroduction programme continues. Some reintroductions are a success, some a semi-success and one a disaster
Packs of wild dogs are seen at Kamakota and a pack seen at Maore. Tsavo West NP authorities send photos of wild dogs seen in Tsavo West, not from the breeding packs in Mkomazi but good to see the return of wild dogs to the ecosystem
GAWPT in Germany continues to raise funds for the outreach programme and support is extended to upgrading and constructing classrooms at Kivingo Primary School, Kisiwani Secondary School and Gonja Secondary School
The environmental education programme is furnished with benches, desks, educational materials, solar power and an AV system. It also has a 'banda' eating area for pupils. Elisaria Nnko takes on the role of education officer and is trained by Dr Maggie Esson of Chester Zoo. In 9 months, we brought in over 700 school pupils and 70 teachers
A YouTube clip of Christian, the lion from Harrods taken to George Adamson and Tony in Kora, being reunited with the two men who originally looked after him as a cub (John Rendall and Ace Bourke) goes viral receiving over 45m hits
Suzuki Rhino Club raised the funds for the transport of the three rhino. This was a huge undertaking for all involved
The new rhinos settle into their holding compounds under the care of Dr Pete Morkel and rhino keepers Berry White and Honza
Rhinos are released slowly into ever-increasing sized paddocks before being introduced into their own fenced-off section whilst they adapt to life in the world
The importation of these three rhino has increased genetic diversity of the Mkomazi rhino population
Poaching of rhino for their horns is on the increase. The street price of rhino horn has never been higher
TANAPA patrols underway and infrastructural development projects are being planned. TANAPA staff one of the permanent security outposts constructed by GAWPT with plans for staffing of another GAWPT outpost. Cattle incursions decrease
Elephant and rhino poaching dramatically on the rise
Tony Fitzjohn's book 'Born Wild' is published
Fred Ayo continues to oversee all the maintenance and workshop schedules turning his hand from major grader repairs to helping Dr Pete Morkel put new transmitters into rhino horns
Replacement of original Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary fence posts begins as the posts have reached the end of their 13 year life-span
2 small packs of African wild dogs ready for introduction at the holding compounds on the Mkomazi/Tsavo border. Planning starts for next reintroduction of 17 dogs back to the wild
African wild dog reintroduction compounds renovated on the Mkomazi/Tsavo border
GAWPT responds to a cry for help from two Presidents of Tanzania to help the nation build secondary schools so that secondary education can become available to more of its citizens
Kisiwani Secondary School, constructed and equipped by GAWPT, is extended to become a high school for tertiary education and pupil numbers reach 430
Students on the Rafiki wa Faru programme can see the results of 20 years of the restoration of Mkomazi from a devastated wasteland to Tanzania's latest national park, a valuable example of sustained long-term conservation
2 life-size fiberglass rhinos are made at Chester Zoo and freighted to Mkomazi for the Rafiki wa Faru programme. More valuable educational materials are produced by Chester Zoo
Mkomazi National park goes from strength to strength under the good management of TANAPA
TANAPA produce a management plan for Mkomazi National Park
Rhino poaching dramatically on the increase. Security of Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary continuously upgraded
The old Bedford lorry, originally from Kora days, finally comes to the end of its working life. The Scania water tanker and a new water bowser which can be towed behind a tractor, do all the water supply runs
Replacement of original fence posts of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary continues
A new-born calf is lost to a leopard, a highly unusual event but some other rhino programmes have suffered a similar loss
Tony flies to Serengeti National park on the invitation of the Protection Manager of TANAPA to advise on the placement of a rhino sanctuary there
Suzuki Rhino Club send two of their top training mechanics to train the GAWPT workshop staff. They also donated a large amount of spare parts and a motorbike for the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. A new diagnostic room is built in the workshop
TANAPA man two of GAWPT's security outposts in the Park
The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism and the Director General of TANAPA visit
Six African wild dogs are lost to aflatoxin poisoning from the food supplement provided, which was an awful set back and a shock as we had successfully fed a large number of wild dogs in this remote area of Tanzania every single day without fail for sixteen years with no issues with the food supply. TAWIRI did the postmortem
Assistance continues towards the donation of building materials for classrooms and a science block for Gonja Secondary School and Ndungu Secondary School
Cathy Dean of Save the Rhino International presents Rafiki wa Faru at the African Rhino Specialist Group meeting as being a workable and successful environmental education programme. Dr Maggie Esson visits to gather data for an evaluation, to continue training and to prepare a report
Save the Rhino 'Climb Kili' team visit Mkomazi after a successful ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro with the Chester Zoo Rhino Maniacs team with the funds raised for Mkomazi
Tony is awarded the Gold Medal for Conservation by the North of England Zoological Society. Chester Zoo invite Tony and family to the zoo to give a talk and to officially open their new African wild dog (painted dog) exhibit
Arrival of three black rhino from Port Lympne Wild Animal Reserve donated by the Aspinall Foundation. Tusk Trust play a major part in this translocation
Rhino poaching escalates dramatically across the continent. Elephant poaching and lion poaching also escalate
The Trust supports the construction of two science laboratories at Gonja Secondary School
The environmental education programme 'Rafiki wa Faru' continues to gather pace
TANAPA rangers take over the manning of the GAWPT security outposts constructed in strategic areas throughout the Park
Suzuki Rhino Club donated very good quality workshop uniforms
On 17th June, a dedicated DHL 757 aircraft carrying the three rhinos from Port Lympne Wild Animal Park took off from Marston airfield in Kent and touched down in Kilimanjaro Airport in Tanzania with Dr Pete Morkel was the vet in charge
Transmitters fitted into the horns of the three newly translocated rhinos by Dr Pete Morkel
The main MRS fence line is being repaired and replaced where necessary having come to the end of its functional life-span. Communication systems and water systems are upgraded
TANAPA request Mkomazi rhino trackers to help Dr Pete Morkel and TANAPA fit transmitters on free-ranging rhinos in the Serengeti National Park
Packs of African wild dogs move through our camp
TANAPA write to advise us about their own wild dog breeding and reintroduction programme that they are undertaking in Serengeti in Serengeti National Park with dogs that are under threat from poisoning or burning in Loliondo. They ask for advice and perhaps for some dogs from our breeding programme
Our environmental education programme 'Rafiki wa Faru' was presented at the European Zoo Federation Conservation Forum by Dr Maggie Esson. It was presented again at the International Zoo Educators Symposium by both Dr Maggie Esson and Cathy Dean of Save the Rhino International
The manager of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary is invited with Tony to Chester Zoo where he is presented to HM the Queen
Two more rhino calves are born in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Three more wild dog reintroductions take place. Wild dog sightings increase in the Mkomazi/Tsavo ecosystem
Poaching of rhino, elephant and lion continues to escalate. Conservation projects are the front-line and the demands on our resources are immense
Road maintenance and repairs continue on the main access roads in Mkomazi. Aircraft patrols continue. MRS fence repairs continue
The Trust works with TANAPA on joint patrols
JCB puts in massive drainage lines along the entire MRS fence line. Contours are worked on and rock laid down to ensure the fence line road is always in good condition for rapid response
New digital radio system is put in place. Massive solar power upgrade takes place and a tech room is built at the base camp
Continuity and perseverance over many years play a critical part in the success of the endangered species programmes
Two keepers, Zacharia and Thomas, continue the long, intense and complex care for Mr Tembo
Chester Zoo produce reports on the 'Rafiki wa Faru' programme and print and ship 3,000 activity books in Swahili for the students. Some of the participating schools are starting their own wildlife clubs
The Trust holds a reception at the Royal Geographical Society in London to celebrate 25 years of The Mkomazi Project
Two more rhino calves are born
Another reintroduction of African wild dogs takes place on the Mkomazi/Tsavo border. Two more breeding groups are put together
Aircraft, vehicle and foot patrols are undertaken together with TANAPA
Tony surveys a site for he construction of a new large water pan close to the Mkomazi National Park HQ and construction of the water pan is completed. Another site is surveyed by the Trust and TANAPA in the Superbowl and construction starts on this site
The price of rhino horn on the streets is now higher than gold. Security of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary has to be continuously adapted and upgraded
Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary patrols are done on foot, on motorbikes and by vehicle. New motorbike and a new vehicle boost the range of patrols
The tracker dog unit is mobilised. Just by their very presence, commercial bush meat poaching is countered
Dvur Kralove Safari Park offer to donate another female rhino - Eliska - to the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
A highly specialised vaccination for canine distemper is donated to the programme
The Prime Minister of Tanzania lays the foundation stone for the Gonja Mheza Rhino Vocational Centre the new vocational training centre
Funds are raised for the construction of dormitories for the vocational training centre
A very weak caracal orphan is handed to us to raise, rescued from the claws of an eagle
Suzuki Rhino Club hold a fundraising event for Mkomazi in Eindhoven
We attend the 25th Anniversary of Tusk Trust at Windsor Castle. A visit is made to Chester Zoo
A new partnership document is in the early stages of drafting with TANAPA describing it as follows: 'The partnership with TANAPA will be beneficial to Tanzania and the world in terms of conservation and contribution to national economy through tourism."
Many joint projects continue with TANAPA including patrols, aerial surveys, road maintenance and development, rhino sanctuary fencing and security, and a new water project to increase water sources in the Park for the elephant herds and other wildlife
Construction tarts on another large water dam with the excavation of the site supported by Friends of Serengeti Switzerland. The dam wall is constructed
Numbers of wildlife increase in Mkomazi
Tony proposes the idea to TANAPA of a rhino sanctuary in Mkomazi for tourism to be constructed in the north of the park and initially stocked with 2 or 3 rhino from the main Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
As the rhino population expands so must the Sanctuary itself and plans are made for an expansion
A new and unique internal wireless telecommunications 'Smart Parks' system is installed, designed and built by a team from the Internet of Life
Eliska, a female rhino from the Dvur Kralove Safari Park, Czech Republic is translocated to the MRS. This was a great working partnership between Dvur Kralove, the Trust, DHL, TANAPA, and Dr Peter Morkel. DHL donate the entire flight from Germany to Tanzania
Five different packs of wild dogs are seen in the Mkomazi National Park ecosystem. A pack of at least twenty five dogs visit Kisima with young, two adults of which were from a release we had undertaken over a year before
The aircraft patrols continue to back up security of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and the entire park
Suzuki Rhino Club, Save the Rhino International and US Fish & Wildlife donate a refurbished 25,000 litre water tanker, twice the capacity of the old water tanker
The Rafiki wa Faru environmental education programme continues to be a huge success and a major part of our outreach programme
Another elephant orphan calf is brought to our camp by aircraft from an area close to Mikumi National Park. He is in very poor shape and there follows a long and difficult programme of feeding and treatment for his many complications
Tony receives an award from the Prague Society for International Cooperation and travels to the Czech Republic to receive it. Fundraising events take place in the UK, USA and The Netherlands
Together with TANAPA we undertake joint infrastructural projects including the construction of a new dam in the middle of the Park. Heavy plant and machinery upgrades the major access roads
Aerial support continues to be crucial to the ongoing development of the Park and these patrols have been undertaken on a continual basis since 1990. The main Kisima airstrip is graded and the Zange airstrip is repaired
The rhino population in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary now stands at 31
A new rhino tracker outpost is put in on a hillside in the middle of the Sanctuary
Meetings continue to be held with TANAPA on the need for decisions to be made regarding the management of the rhino population. Expansion of the overall Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary area up to 100% is a priority in the medium term
TANAPA are well underway with the construction of their rhino sanctuary for tourism in the north of the park
The Rafiki wa Faru bus continues to bring in keen students learning about conservation
Student numbers slowly on the increase in the Gonja Mheza Rhino Vocational Training Centre which has expanded to include a secondary school
Devastatingly we lose Mr Tembo, who weakened over a period of months despite intensive treatment and care
TANAPA announce they intend to take a substantially greater role in the management and running of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and the African wild dog breeding programme. This is inevitable after the Trust's extraordinary stewardship over thirty years
With TANAPA's increasing stature and capacity both nationally and locally in Mkomazi, they are ready and capable to assume full responsibility over the whole area including the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Preparation for handover and transition starts
Most importantly, all our personnel are taken on by TANAPA and this is one of the main focuses of our long discussions. Continuity is crucial for the future
The rhino population in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary now stands at 34, the third largest of Tanzania's five rhino populations
The endangered species programme for the African wild dog was run as a practical management programme to try to address their decline. It is estimated that over the course of the project, over 200 African wild dogs were reintroduced into the Mkomazi/Tsavo ecosystem since 2005 when the first reintroduction took place
The environmental education programme 'Rafiki wa Faru' enabled us to bring in to Mkomazi 800 schoolchildren, 150 school teachers and 100 elders and community leaders annually over 11 years. This was a very valuable addition to the conservation efforts in the field
Together with the Wildlife Division and TANAPA the Trusts have turned what was a forgotten, degraded wasteland about to be degazetted into the stunning 3,270 square kilometre Mkomazi National Park with flourishing wildlife populations and Tanzania's first rhino sanctuary
In October 2019, the official handover of The Mkomazi Project to Tanzania National Parks takes place in a ceremony held in Arusha for the Trustees of the local trust, Tony and Lucy Fitzjohn, Elisaria Nnko and for the staff of The Mkomazi Project
Return to Kenya to work full-time with Kenya Wildlife Service on the rehabilitation of Kora National Park, continuing extensive discussions for the long-term stewardship, conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development of Kora and to forward joint objectives
The decision becomes a National Priority Project and The Mkomazi Project commences
Tony Fitzjohn, supported by the Trusts in the UK, USA, Kenya and Tanzania, embarks on the first recces of the Mkomazi Game Reserve together with the project manager of the Wildlife Division, Hezekiah Mungure
The workshop is built under a baobab tree and Wilfred Ayo joins the team as workshop assistant to Tony Fitzjohn. A Massey Ferguson 375 tractor is shipped to Tanzania from the UK
Work continues with hydrogeological surveys and sinking of boreholes, construction and maintenance of dams for wildlife, construction of underground storage tanks, GPS mapping of the infrastructure and deployment of the many vehicles and plant machinery
Base-camp construction commences, the Kisima airstrip is cleared and aircraft patrols take place. Boundary clearing is underway by the Wildlife Division supported by the Trust and ranger patrols take place
Cessna 206 aircraft 5H-DOG arrives into Mkomazi. Ranger patrols continue, 3 airstrips under construction, solar power systems installed and water hydrogeological surveys take place. The Mkomazi Game Reserve football team is sponsored by the Trust
The first breeding compound constructed for the African wild dog breeding programme. The workshop is expanded
Elephant numbers in the reserve increase. Other wildlife numbers on the increase
One of the first outreach projects that the Trust supports is the construction of the Kisiwani Secondary School and support of the KUHAWA women's group run by Truus. The Director of Wildlife agrees they can run the programme as part of the Trust's broad scope of work, in partnership with the Wildlife Division
More breeding compounds constructed for the African wild dog programme
A campaign is set up by affiliates of the hunting company to discredit and damage the work of the Trust, including cheque-book journalism. A local MP exposes the campaign and another newspaper runs the story of the campaign
Work continues in the base-camp. Construction starts on a security outpost at Kamakota. Just under 1000 elephants are seen in the wet season. The dry season count confirmed figures of between 350 and 400 elephant. Lion, leopard and cheetah seen
Another wild dog breeding compound is constructed. Recces commence on the Masai Steppe for African wild dogs who are under threat of being poisoned as too close to human settlement
The outreach programme continues to focus on education, women's groups, medical dispensaries and a unit for disabled children
Sport hunting in Mkomazi Game Reserve is banned by order of Parliament, following the findings of the Marmo Parliamentary Probe Committee
Harry Simons and Truus Nicolasen have their work temporarily suspended by the new Wildlife Division project manager in Mkomazi. He also stops all work on the rhino sanctuary, and all aircraft patrols
The Trust in Tanzania signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and the Trust's activities are safe-guarded
Elephant poaching on the ascent. The Trust continues to desilt and maintain the dams in the reserve
Sanyati Ltd work on the full fencing of the Sanctuary. The Grader and JCB are widening the fence line and roads and digging trenches for washaways. The rhino holding compounds are completed
First litters of African wild dog pups are born
Brigadier General Hashim Mbita, Chairman of the Tanzanian trust, recruits ex-Tanzanian Army soldiers as the security force for the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
The rhinos are flown by Antonov aircraft and welcomed onto Tanzanian soil by the South African High Commissioner to Tanzania, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Brigadier General Hashim Mbita and other Tanzanian trustees
Establishment of procedures and daily operating systems needed to manage, secure and maintain the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and care for the rhinos. Rhino tracking team, fence maintenance team and security team are all established in their duties
Tony Fitzjohn travels to South Africa with the Chairman of the Trust in Tanzania to start negotiations for the next translocation of rhinos from there to Mkomazi. Discussions take place with KWS about the possibility of receiving two female rhinos from Kenya in the future
The dam that the Trust constructed in the Kisima valley fills up after floods
Radio communications and solar power systems are installed at the Zange HQ by the Trust, for use by the Wildlife Division personnel
The George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust in the Netherlands is formed
Nina the elephant, translocated from the Mount Meru Game Sanctuary in Arusha, continues her life in the wild. Jipe, the lioness from Tsavo National Park, continues her life in the wild
4 male African Wild dogs are sent to Kenya Wildlife Services for a planned reintroduction in Masai Mara, later changed to Tsavo National Park
Plans underway for the next translocation of 4 rhino from South Africa. Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary security guards are sent to Lewa Wildlife Conservancy for operational training. Permanent housing for sanctuary personnel is constructed both at high vantage points and at the waterholes
Dr Aart Visee is contacted by the Canid Specialist Group who advised that we were breaking new ground on understanding of the wild dog's response to courses of vaccinations and types of vaccines
Further research showed that this particularly vicious strain was closely related to the distemper that caused the death of so many lions and hyenas in the Serengeti National Park in 1994. As far as we know, this is the first time that this strain of canine distemper has been isolated from an African Wild Dog
The Trust agrees to support the construction and staffing of security outposts in the reserve at the major water sources. Road maintenance continues with Trust equipment
The upgrading and construction of classrooms in other schools and other districts on the border of Mkomazi Game Reserve is underway. A Landrover 130 is donated for the field work and community work
A release compound is constructed for Jipe the lioness in the Superbowl in the plains towards the Maore water pan and she is walked there. Nina the elephant continues her life back in the wild
On 28th Oct, four more black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) are translocated from South Africa to the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary, a long-awaited addition to the breeding programme. They were translocated in a Russian Antonov. The Mkomazi rhino population doubled
Larry & Gail Freels, Moritz & Hilla Borman, Ray Rowe Fund, Friends of Mkomazi, IFAW, BP, Tanga Cement, Gilbertson & Paige, Barbara Delano Foundation, Born Free Foundation, Laura Utley, Tom Garvin, Susanne Malim, the Regniers, the Ballards, the Brandons, Tim Peet and Tom Garvin generously support the programmes
In the future the pups will be vaccinated with a canary pox vectored CDV vaccine and cell medicated immunity will be studied. It becomes our plight to find the answers and solutions for these problems and also contribute in this way to the conservation of the African Wild Dog
A second internal fence is constructed in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Ian Craig of Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Dr Pete Morkel visit to advise on sanctuary expansion and future plans
The rhino bull chases the newly arrived female back through the electrified separation fence and back into the main sanctuary which holds the four resident rhino. She eventually settles down and breeds with the resident bull. A section of the internal fence is taken down to allow the rhinos to integrate slowly
The day to day operations of the rhino sanctuary remain of paramount importance. Maintenance of the fence line, daily patrols, tracking, water systems, communications, team work, security and responsibility dominate working lives
The Trust donates towards upgrading of classrooms at Kivingo Secondary School and Mnazi Primary School
The Trust helps towards construction of a new Police Station in Same town
The African Environmental Film Foundation becomes part of the Tanzanian trust providing valuable educational resources for wide distribution
Maore water pan is desilted and work starts on desilting Kavateta Dam
The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism visits along with the Director of Wildlife. The Trust is challenged to put together a management perspective for the game reserve as a contribution towards the new management plan. Dr Malte Sommerlatte prepares this
Close cooperation continues with the Kenya Wildlife Services working in Tsavo West National Park
Tony is invited to give a talk at MWEKA College for African Wildlife Management
The international boundary between Mkomazi Game Reserve and Tsavo West National Park is demarcated and cleared by KWS
Infrastructural development continues in the field; old road networks are opened up and new road networks constructed, dam desilting and opening up old water pans. Roads are constructed to link up all the major water pans in the game reserve. Cattle incursions are considerable and the problem comes down to a handful of cattle barons
Discussions took place with Port Lympne Wildlife Park in the UK who hold a population of Diceros bicornis michaeli black rhino
Roger Burrows and Dr Markus Hofmeyr advise. The main principle of the reintroduction programme is to release healthy dogs into areas where they will have the best chance of success. In order to do this we have to breed successfully on a continual basis and we have to protect them from disease
Dr Aart Visee produces a veterinary report in which vaccination policy and results are discussed. An academic paper on the canine distemper outbreak written by Dr Visee is published in the journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases
The UK Government refuses to grant an export permit for the dried dog food supplement unless the Tanzanian regulations complies with their own. We therefore have to find a substitute dried dog food from South Africa. Duncan Forbes and the Ray Rowe Foundation continues to support the efforts of the wild dog programme
Some tour operators visit to recce Mkomazi as a future wilderness destination
Aircraft patrols continue daily when possible. HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands supports general running costs, as he did for George Adamson in Kora
The Royal Geographical Society supports Nick McWilliam to work on the GPS data and road mapping for the whole reserve. He also put in numbered junction sign posts
Discussions start with Port Lympne Wildlife Park in the UK at the possibility of translocating rhino from their population to Mkomazi
Visit from US State Department for Education working on a programme called OPEN (One Planet Education Network)
Nina the elephant gave birth to a male calf
The Wildlife Division attend many meetings on the size of land set aside for the Masai as a result of the high court judgement. The Wildlife Division and the Trust continue to approach DFID to fund an appraisal of their sponsored paper, based on the paper's inaccurate and biased data and unreliable conclusions drawn
Sir Anthony Bamforrd agrees to donate a JCB Fastrac tractor
HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Friends of Serengeti Switzerland donate a Scania water tanker/crane lorry with a detachable 10,000 water tank and a crane to lift a rhino and crate or palette
Tony is invited by Olly and Suzi to give a talk with them on the African wild dog at the Natural History Museum. A fundraising quiz night was organised at the Dorchester Hotel in London
Dr Ian Games is employed by the Director of Wildlife to produce a revised and rejuvenated General Management Plan for Mkomazi Game Reserve. A seminar takes place with the stakeholders and a comprehensive document takes shape
Dam desilting, construction and maintenance of roads, airstrips and boundaries is ongoing, as are aircraft patrols, rhino sanctuary upkeep and maintenance cycles
Dr Pete Morkel visits regularly to try to help him. Other vets (Drs Kock, Wiik, Fyumagwa, Mlengay, Hofmeyr) also tried to help
Mkomazi rhino population is seven and all are in excellent condition. More security outposts are constructed throughout the sanctuary, as well as further road networks and firebreaks
Suzuki Rhino Club donate generously and also donate a Suzuki Vitara for Rhino Sanctuary operations. Tony speaks at the annual Suzuki event in the Netherlands
Death of Jipe, the orphaned lioness, given to us be Senior Warden Tsavo West National Park, who is killed for he teeth, skin and claws by pastoralists illegally grazing in the reserve. She was seven years old. Her body was found in an illegal manyatta, poisoned, skinned, beheaded, teeth pulled out, paws chopped off ready for sale
JAcobo, our grader driver, took the grader up a steep mountainside for some inexpicable reason (we understand it was the WD rangers who asked him to help grade the road up the hillside), and lost control of it, dying in the accident
Two alpha females in the wild dog breeding programme produced litters of pups all of whom will become first candidates for reintroduction. There are currently 30 dogs in the breeding programme
Nina, the rehabilitated 34 year old elephant we translocated from Mount Meru Game Sanctuary, gave birth to a bull calf. She had been brought to us by the Born Free Foundation after 27 years in captivity. She brought her new born calf to Elisaria very early one morning
A black (melanistic) leopard has been seen on three occasions
We are given an orphaned caracal kitten found in the rhino sanctuary and close to death. We care for her until she is mature and she will be released when she is old enough to hunt alone
Physical field work continues enhancing security operations and infrastructure. The process for attaining national park status inches forwards with support from the Government of Tanzania which is a great tribute to the Wildlife Division and to the GAWPT personnel. Confidence in the reserve grows for tourism operations
GAWPT gives a large donation of cement to two secondary schools in Same and a water pump to the villagers of Kavumbugu. Tusk Trust raised funds to help with the roofing and construction or refurbishment of secondary school classrooms. 200 bags of cement are given to the Roman Catholic church for school construction
GAWPT gives assistance to villagers to desilt three dams in rural areas (Nadururu, Kishaa and Lengasiti)
On 20th June 2005 the first baby rhino is born in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary to Rose who was translocated to Mkomazi from Addo National Park in 1997
Wild dog numbers recover to 50 dogs. The vaccination research is concluded
The community outreach programme in Mkomazi broadened its scope with educational and water projects
300 elephant return to the Kisima area giving testimony to the relative peace that existed in the reserve at that time
GAWPT and the Wildlife Division work jointly to desilt Kavateta Dam, which had not been desilted for over 40 years. The JCB, the 10 ton tipping trailer and dam scoop work for months on this
Third and fourth packs of African wild dogs are established, and the alpha females of each pack had a litter of pups. A litter of 9 males separated for reintroduction back to the wild
The rabies research in the Mkomazi dogs has brought new insights into the rabies vaccination policy for the African wild dog. When we started the programme, it was said that rabies vaccinations did not work in the species
Dr Aart Visee and Dr Hoyer of Amsterdam Zoo have written a paper on Distemper Vaccinations in the African wild dog which should be published
The breeding pairs of African wild dogs will remain in the breeding programme, and all the offspring will be reintroduced into areas where they will have the most chance of success
With support from Tusk Trust, GAWPT is able to make large donations of cement and corrugated iron roofing sheets for the upgrading of three secondary schools; Vumari Secondary School, Madeveni Secondary School and Vudee Secondary School
GAWPT assists with a large donation of cement for a women's hostel in Same. GAWPT borehole at Majevu continues to provide water for the villagers on a twice-weekly basis
First visitors to the observation bunker were two black rhinos. Once they had left, a steel armoury door was put in place
A hydro-geophysical survey is undertaken in the Mkomazi Game Reserve with the subsequent drilling and sinking of a borehole in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary area. Three holes drilled but only one has small/poor potential
The permanent ranger outposts constructed in the reserve provide much needed security in three different areas, as well as providing external security for the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Nick McWilliam comes back to Mkomazi to update the GPS map of the reserve
The sad losses of Dr Keith Eltringham, Chairman of GAWPT for over 20 years; of HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; Costa Mlay, trustee of WPTF and former Director of Wildlife
Tony travels to Zimbabwe to visit Brigadier General Hashim Mbita, the Chairman of WPTF, and Tanzania's Ambassador to Zimbabwe
Tony Fitzjohn is awarded the OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours List for services to wildlife in East Africa
Rains exceptionally good and the newly desilted dams and water pans hold large amounts of water for may months. This combined with lush vegetation brings steady increases in numbers of wildlife populations
Cattle incursions on the rise and the roof of Kamakota outpost was burnt down. De-snaring patrols underway to combat illegal commercial bush meat poaching; sometimes 300 snares are dismantled. Huge fires rage as the bush dries out
First tourist camp is opened in Mkomazi - 'Babu's Camp'
2 more calves are born in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary to females Charlie and Marina
Small releases of African wild dogs take place into selected habitats
Elephants destroy some of the water storage tanks in the dry season. Very deep ditches are put in around the tanks to prevent any attempts by elephants to reach the water
Discussions continue on increasing the founder population of black rhino in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary, although during the transition time between game reserve and national park, GAWPT is at a midpoint between the two and therefore all the accompanying sensitivities have to be dealt with
Construction starts on a reintroduction compound on the Tsavo/Mkomazi border fairly close to the Maore water pan and in the area of rocky outcrops. Roads and tracs are cleared around the vicinity yet it is still in a wild and hidden place. The KWS authorities in Tsavo West NP have said they would welcome the presence of African wild dogs in the park
Two other small reintroductions of African wild dogs take place in the Rhino Sanctuary, one small pack of males and one small pack of females. They did not join up as a cohesive unit which deomnstrat3es the highly complex nature of wild dogs and reintroductions and the careful planning, care and consideration with which they need to be carried out
The basic vaccination programme for the African wild dogs continues. Dr Aart Visee retires as veterinary supervisor and his years of veterinary work, reports, research and advice have provided excellent information for those involved in the preservation of this critically endangered species. Dr Nick de Souza from the regional office of WSPA assists with the vacination protocols
GAWPT donates cement and roofing sheets to other primary and secondary schools in the three districts surrounding Mkomazi Game Reserve (Same, Mwanaga and Lushoto Districts). Vudee Secondary School, Marindi Suji Secondary School, Shigatini Secondary School, Pangaro Primary School and Mapanda Secondary School
GAWPT, Tusk Trust, Save the Rhino International and Chester Zoo join forces to raise funds for the new Environmental Education Programme 'Rafiki ya Faru'. Through a charitable event held in the City of London, Tusk is able to donate the funds to buy the school bus, which will be modified to spec. Save the Rhino and Chester Zoo and fund the construction of the environmental education classroom in the middle of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary high on a hill with huge vistas
Mkomazi is upgraded to National Park status
Mkomazi National Park signboards go up
A new national parks warden is appointed to Mkomazi - Donat Mnyagatwa
Ongoing preparation to receive the three rhino from Dvur Kralove Safari Park, Czech Republic. New paddocks fenced, holding compounds repaired and strengthened, tsetse fly numbers being reduced, lucerne and horse cubes imported from Kenya
GAWPT plant machinary continues to work on road networks, firebreaks and dam desilting. The EAZA/Save the Rhino tractor is hard at work maintaining the fence line. A mobile team is employed to try to reduce poaching and snaring. Within the first month, over 300 snares are removed
The wildlife authorities of both Ethiopia and Sudan visit, looking at rehabilitation work and endangered species programmes from which to identify suitable policies for their own countries
Suzuki Rhino Club hold a fundraiser and 45 Suzuki Sales and After-Sales teams visit Mkomazi
The pack of 9 brothers reintroduced in 2006/2007 are seen in July 2008. Two dogs from another pack are killed by a leopard. During an unprecedented incursion of nearly 10,000 head of cattle into Mkomazi during the handover between the Wildlife Division and TANAPA, ne pack went after goats and were all killed
Tony joins Olly & Suzi at a talk on African wild dogs at the Royal Geographical Society
The environmental education programme 'Rafiki wa Faru' is launched supported by Tusk, Chester Zoo, Save the Rhino and WSPA. This is developed for the benefit of local communities, especially local school pupils
The team of Cycle of Life (Barty, Jess, Andy and Chris) cycle all the way from Namibia to Kenya - over 7,000 kms - to raise money for Tusk and visit us in Mkomazi
Arrival of three black rhino from Dvur Kralove Safari Park, Czech Republic into the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. Jabu, Deborah and Jamie were transported by truck from Dvur Kralove Safari park to Schipol Airport, Amsterdam and then flown on a Martinair 747 cargo plane to Kilimanjaro Airport, Tanzania
Dr Pete Morkel is the vet in charge of the translocation and does a fantastic job
Dr Pete Morkel places transmitters into the horns of the three rhino
A second separation fence with electrified cantilevers on both sides is constructed to discourage the subordinate bull in the main Sanctuary from trying to break into the Czech bull's section and fight with him
The extension of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary, a major civil engineering project, is now completed. 9kms of high tensile electrified and solar powered fencing has been put in place over rocky terrain and using over two thousand fence posts. Drainage channels and drainage pitches put in
250 elephants seen on a flying patrol, browsing with herds of oryx, eland, buffalo and many other plains game
Joint patrols commence with TANAPA, including GAWPT's mobile de-snaring team. Road signs put in place on stone cairns at road junctions. Flying patrols continue
The de-silting of Dindira Dam and Kavateta Dam commences in partnership with TANAPA
Repair of Kisima Dam underway, originally constructed by GAWPT. Repair of an old colonial dam wall in the same area underway
Three bull elephants knock down the wild dog compounds most nights for six months even though we provide water at the workshop
Four alpha females in the African wild dog breeding programme each give birth
The system that has been established for the African wild dog breeding programme is that the older litter and subordinate adults help the alpha female raise the new litter and then they can be reintroduced to the wild
African wild dog sightings in the Tsavo ecosystem have increased. A large pack of wild dogs with young seen at the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
GAWPT, in partnership with the District authorities, the village and school councils and the parent body provides one classroom for Kisiwani Secondary School, Gonja Secondary School, Kibacha Secondary School, Mgagao Secondary School, Mnazi Secondary School, Buiki Secondary School and Hedaru Secondary School
In one year a further 835 students and teachers have visited the environmental education programme 'Rafiki wa Faru'. Schools are queuing up for a place on the Rafiki bus and a day out in Mkomazi National Park and Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Save the Rhino and Chester Zoo raise funds for the Rafiki wa Faru programme and US Fish & Wildlife Rhino and Tiger Conservation Fund support
Trustees, supporters, vets, technical advisors, TANAPA authorities, Regional Commissioners and District Commissioners, Chief Justices of Tanzania, former Wildlife Division project managers and other Government authorities continue to visit
The Trust signs a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
Roadworks and road development continues to be a major focus. Aircraft patrols continue
Four new security outposts constructed in key areas in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. Aircraft patrols continuous
A new water pan is constructed in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary
Rhino female Lee has a young calf at foot and develops a problem in her rear leg. Dr Pete Morkel comes to look at her. She gets stuck in the mud after the long rains and the rear leg problem worsens
Deborah, female rhino donated by Dvur Kralove Safari Park, gives birth to a female calf
TANAPA seek out the assistance of 2 Mkomazi rhino trackers to track a rhino that had been recently translocated from South Africa to Serengeti National Park but had gone missing. Along with Dr Pete Morkel, they find the rhino after two weeks
Development of water sources in Mkomazi under planning including in the Superbowl where the elephants browse in the wet season
An elephant census is carried out by KWS in the Tsavo/Mkomazi ecosystem recording a rise in the elephant populations from 2008 to 2011
A second reintroduction compound is built on the Mkomazi/Tsavo border for the African wild dog reintroductions. Two more reintroductions are undertaken. Both packs were seen over the following months. Two dogs return to the Kisima area and link up with a wild pair of dogs and a loan female
Two alpha female African wild dogs give birth to litters of pups. The ecologist and veterinarian officer of TAWIRI visit to see if the Trust could advise and assist on translocations of wild dogs to the Serengeti National Park
850 school students and teachers visit Mkomazi with the Rafiki wa Faru environmental education programme
We receive a visit from the TANAPA Community Conservation wardens from the National Parks of Tanzania to look at all aspects of the Rafiki wa Faru environmental education programme
Suzuki Rhino Club hold a fundraising dinner for GAWPT at the Louwman Car Museum in The Hague in the Netherlands
Brigadier General Hashim I Mbita (ret'd) steps down as Chairman of WPTF and remains as a trustee and Bernard Mchomvu takes over the Chairmanship
Using the highly scientific 'carrot and saucepan of water' method, we were able to move the resident rhinos from Dvur Kralove Zoo, Czech Republic to a new section within the MRS to make way for the incoming rhinos from the UK
Tow more reintroductions of African wild dogs took place on the Mkomazi/Tsavo border
We enter into discussions with the District authorities on a project to build a vocational training centre. This will start with a feasibility study
Under TANAPA's management, presence and conservation ethics, wildlife numbers increase and livestock incursions decrease. Commercial bush meat poaching dramatically decreases
Regular meetings take place with TANAPA, the Chief Park Warden and their senior directors
Planning starts with TANAPA on the construction of a new water source in the Superbowl for elephant herds and other wildlife during the dry seasons
A BBC film crew filmed the translocation
Security of the rhino is our biggest issue and we continue to construct security outposts within the MRS
Charlie, a female rhino who arrived with the first translocation in 1997, gives birth to another calf
Dr Pete Morkel, Tony and the rhino sanctuary managers spend two weeks looking at all the different aspects of management in the MRS and the breeding possibilities and options
Reintroductions of African wild dogs are timed at the end of the rainy season when there is a lot of standing water and they can move into the better-watered areas of Tsavo West National Park
The Trust helps with the construction of a classroom at Ndungu Secondary School
Chester Zoo work on the production of relevant educational materials for 'Rafiki wa Faru'
An orphaned elephant turns up at the airstrip, probably about three months old. The long and intense journey starts on his care an his health. He is called 'Mister Tembo'
Discussions start on plans for TANAPA to build their own rhino sanctuary in Mkomazi National Park for Tourism, leaving the MRS as a breeding sanctuary with security uncompromised
Another 850 school students and teachers come into Mkomazi with our 'Rafiki wa Faru' environmental education programme
The workshops at Kisima undergo a deep industrial tidy up in preparation for a shipment of spares and equipment from Suzuki Rhino Club
A new water bowser is donated and the old water bowser is overhauled. Underground and overground fuel storage tankers put into the workshop
MWEKA College for African Wildlife Management continue to send groups of students on field trips to Mkomazi and they come to see the rhino sanctuary, the wild dog programme and the environmental education centre
Three more internal security outposts are constructed in the MRS and four heavy duty steel gates between the different sections. Water storage and piping systems improved
Dr Pete Morkel and Tony lay out a long-term breeding plan for the rhinos
A pack of about wild dogs seen in the Ngulia area in Tsavo West NP, one of which was collared
Two documentaries are made; 'A Lion Called Mugi' in Kora with Martin Clunes, and 'Poaching Wars' filmed partly in Mkomazi with Tom Hardy
Feasibility study undertaken in Gonja for the proposed vocational training centre. Through the Watoto Foundation we are introduced to the RC Bishop of Same who will join the initiative. Fundraising event at the Louwman Museum in The Hague, put on by Suzuki Rhino Club, raises the required to build the centre
Elisaria Nnko travels to London for the event at the Royal Geographical Society
The tracker dogs unit is established in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. A new camp with kennels is constructed and two Belgian Mallinois dogs arrive
Construction of the vocational training centre in Gonja is underway
The current poaching crisis continues to result in a further tragic decrease in the number of elephant in Mkomazi National Park
The Trust signs a new MOU with TANAPA
Three new security outposts are constructed in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary and the peripheral fence continues to be repaired and replaced
A new Massey Ferguson 480X tractor is donated along with a trailer and grass slasher. All the vehicles are overhauled and refurbished
Dr Peter Morkel and Dr Idrissa Chuma take the Mkomazi rhino trackers again with them to the Serengeti National Park. Pete spends time in Mkomazi assessing the future breeding plans
A 4G tracking system for rhino horn transmitters is developed in The Netherlands and will be trialled in Mkomazi
The environmental education programme 'Rafiki wa Faru' continues to bring about 900 school students a year into Mkomazi
The construction of the vocational training centre is completed and students enroll. Three containers of equipment are shipped from The Netherlands for the centre
A small dam is constructed close to Kisima camp
A fundraising piece is made on the work of the the Trust and this is shown at a successful event at the Cadogan Hall in London
Tony visits Dvur Kralove Safari Park in the Czech Republic to meet Eliska, the female rhino who they are donating to Mkomazi
The British Wildlife Centre and IWCT hold an event to riase funds for the African wild dog programme
TANAPA describes the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary project as the template for the development of rhino sanctuaries in Tanzania's national parks
The new dam has brought elephant back to the north of the Park although the elephant population is still fragile
Babu's camp moves to a new site in Mkomazi with spectacular views
A meeting is held with our Trustees and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TANAPA and the TANAPA director general
Mkomazi rhino population becomes the third largest in Tanzania and an integral part of efforts to breed up and recover numbers
Work starts on the replacement of the entire Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary fence line. Tusk Trust, Save the Rhino International, US Fish & Wildlife Services and the Leonardo di Caprio Foundation all support this critical project
A car is converted for the tracker dog unit
Two reintroductions of African wild dogs take place with one dog per pack collared with a Telonics HF collar
All the breeding compounds are refurbished
A CAT D4D bulldozer (1979) is donated by Kimango to Mkomazi. A low-loader is donated to move the bulldozer around and a ten-ton tipping trailer are donated with thanks to Tusk Trust and Chester Zoo
The workshop continues to be the heartbeat of our entire operation enabling us to have an immediate response to any situation or crisis
The vocational training centre is now run as a joint VTC and secondary school. Suzuki Rhino Club donate a Suzuki Jeep for driver training and mechanics lessons, with the students learning to strip down and rebuild the engine
Our orphan caracal is returned to the wild is seen from time to time. The last time she is seen, she is heavily pregnant
Mkomazi National Park continues to develop and improve under the management of TANAPA with increasing populations of elephant and other wildlife
Tusk Trust and The Royal Foundation visit The Mkomazi Project as part of a broader tour of range states of the black rhino in Africa focusing on the illegal wildlife trade and, specifically in Mkomazi National Park, the part that the Trust plays in the protection of the black rhino
The fully functioning and extensive workshops continue to support the daily operations of the project
The full upgrading of the entire Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary peripheral fence-line continues
We close down the tracker dog unit because of Trypanasoma Brucei from tsetse files, despite all the intensive protection measures in place, and because of the need for a TANAPA veterinary officer to be constantly on hand
A reassessment of the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary takes place to inform about the long-term management of the Sanctuary
Five reintroductions of wild dogs are undertaken in the Mkomazi/Tsavo ecosystem in partnership with TANAPA
A team from Chester Zoo's educational department visits to help us continue developing the Rafiki wa Faru environmental educational programme. Plans are made to update and resource the programme
Equipment and machinery is donated by SSRC for the Gonja Mheza Vocational Training Centre. Donations are raised for the construction of teacher housing, bursaries for the poorest students, teachers' salaries and the provision of bulk food for the students
It is increasingly possible to see elephant, oryx, lesser kudu, buffalo, eland, kongoni, zebra, impala, giraffe and many other smaller mammals, as well as lion, leopard and cheetah and other smaller carnivores. Wild dog packs are regularly seen and even vultures return to Dindira Dam
The Kora project in Kora National Park, Kenya gathers momentum and a progressive year takes shape with discussions on the long-term rehabilitation of Kora National Park in partnership with Kenya Wildlife Service
The recovery of the park, the establishment of infrastructure and the increase in wildlife means that another part of the job we had come here to do - to help restore Mkomazi to its former beauty and grandeur - has, int he main, been done
The Trust in Tanzania works tirelessly on extensive negotiations with TANAPA which includes the transfer of large amounts of plant, vehicles, infrastructure and equipment, thereby leaving the project fully furnished with proven and efficient systems in place
Substantial and important upgrades to the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary fence continue during this time. SSRC generously donate a container, quad bikes, motorbikes, spares, tyres and uniforms
From 1997 to 2020 there were zero (0) poaching incidents in the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary. We are one of the only rhino facilities in Africa that hasn't lost a rhino to poaching and it says a lot for our dedicated, skilled adaptable and tough Tanzanian personnel
There are increased sightings of African wild dog packs in the Mkomazi/Tsavo ecosystem
We are able to fund the construction and equipping of an entire vocational training centre, an entire secondary school and the construction and upgrading of classrooms in a further 30 primary and secondary schools
The achievements of the past thirty years have created an international beacon for the rescue and rehabilitation of the wild environment and the wildlife that remains. We leave behind us in Mkomazi a real legacy, together with our integrity as a working field organisation, and an extraordinary story of success and achievement
The Trusts' operations are transferred to Kenya and to the rehabilitation of Kora National Park where Tony spent 18 years with George Adamson. The park is in a poor state not dissimilar to Mkomazi prior to the contribution of the Trusts
23rd May 2022 - Tony Fitzjohn, field director of the GAWPTs, dies of cancer and is buried in Kora next to George Adamson, Terence Adamson and the lions Boy, Supercub and Mugi

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