Support Kora in the UK

There are many ways to donate to the Kora project from the UK. The Trust welcomes all donations – every gift, no matter its size, makes a difference – please scroll down for some fundraising ideas.

If you would rather not donate through the website, then please download our Postal Donation Form or contact us directly by emailing: [email protected] or calling us on: 01732 866955 – we would love to hear from you.

Donate Online

Quick and easy – donate online in less than five minutes. Just click on the gold DONATE NOW button below, or at the top of this page, and follow the instructions.

Join Friends of Kora UK

The ‘Friends of Kora UK’ is a group of dedicated individuals who have a real connection to Kora, the work we are undertaking in the Park’s regeneration and rehabilitation, and our work with the local communities surrounding Kora. Our Friends generously provide a regular monthly donation of £100 or more - an ongoing commitment that enables us to plan securely for Kora’s future.

Leave a Gift in your Will

By including a gift in your Will, it will cost you nothing now and enables you to take advantage of perhaps the most generous tax deduction offered by the Government - by giving 10% of your residual estate to a charity such as The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust, you could reduce the inheritance tax rate applied on the remaining 90% of your estate from 40% to 36%.

UK Gift Aid 

Gift Aid makes a significant difference to every donation. UK tax payers signing up to Gift Aid ensure that the Kora Project will recieve an additional 25% - amounting to, for example, an extra £25 being received by the charity for every £100 donated.

Just Giving

Donate or fundraise with JustGiving, which is a global online platform for giving, helping charities to maximise their fundraising potential.


We can receive postal donations by cheque, and you can set up a monthly, quarterly or annual direct debit/standing order. If you would like to make a cheque donation to the Kora project, or set up a regular direct debit/standing order, we would ask you to please download and complete our Postal Donation Form. This includes our mailing address and Gift Aid information.

CAF Giving

Many families hold Charitable Aid Foundation (CAF) accounts to allow them to make donations to a range of chosen charities. Please make CAF cheques payable to the ‘The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust’ and quote our charity number 279598. Please note that CAF cheques do not qualify for Gift Aid.

Collective Giving

Collective giving provides an opportunity for a group of individuals or businesses to combine resources to provide greater leverage, by funding a project that resonates with them as a collective.

Donating Shares

Donating shares is one of the most tax-effective ways to give to charity. By giving eligible shares to charity, you can claim Income Tax relief on the value of the shares, as well as exemption from Capital Gains Tax.

Company Matched Funding

An increasing number of companies offer their employees the opportunity to boost their charitable giving by matching the money raised or donated. Some offer this on a £ for £ basis, others specify the total amount they are prepared to donate. By selecting the Kora project as your chosen Charity, not only will you be boosting the value of your own gift or fundraising efforts, you will also be helping us to spread the word about our vital work in Kora National Park.


Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, allows anyone who pays UK income tax through PAYE to give regularly and tax free to charity. As an employee, you can check directly with your employer to find out if they offer Payroll Giving, and they will be able to arrange a donation to your chosen charity.

Give As You Live

Give As You Live partners with online retailers to enable you to raise money for your favourite charity, when you shop online - without costing you a penny extra.

Thanks for supporting The Kora Project

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One off donation

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Monthly Donation

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