Support Kora in the USA & the Rest of the World
There are many ways to donate to the Kora project from the USA and the Rest of the World. The Trust welcomes all donations – every gift, no matter its size, makes a difference – please scroll down for some fundraising ideas.
If you would rather not donate through the website, then please contact us directly by emailing: [email protected] or calling us on:
1-310-777-3555 – we would love to hear from you.
Donate Online
Quick and easy – donate online in less than five minutes. Just click on the gold DONATE NOW button below or, at the top of this page, and follow the instructions.
Join Friends of Kora
The ‘Friends of Kora’ is a group of dedicated individuals who have a real connection
to Kora, the work we are undertaking in the Park’s regeneration and rehabilitation,
and our work with the local communities surrounding Kora. Our Friends generously
provide a regular monthly donation of $100 or more - an ongoing commitment that
enables us to plan securely for Kora’s future.
Leave a Gift in your Will
We are a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. Leaving a bequest in your Will won't cost you anything now and can provide possible significant estate tax deductions. We recommend that you consult your attorney or accountant to learn the specifics of the tax code and how this form of giving can impact your estate.
Donating Shares
Donating shares of stock is one of the most effective ways of giving, providing possible significant tax benefits. We recommend that you consult your attorney or accountant to learn the specifics of the tax code and how this form of giving can impact you.
Company Matched Funding
An increasing number of companies offer their employees the opportunity to boost
their charitable giving by matching the money raised or donated. Some offer this on a $ for $ basis, others specify the total amount they are prepared to donate. By
selecting The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust as your chosen Charity, not only will you be boosting the
value of your own gift or fundraising efforts, you will also be helping us to spread the
word about our vital work in Kora National Park.