It was great to welcome Dr Dana Holeckova and her colleagues from the Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic who donated the three black rhino to the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary in 2009. They were able to see all of their donated rhino and the new rhino calf born to Deborah in October 2011. These rhino were translocated to Mkomazi with the tremendous help of Suzuki Rhino Club.
The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust
141a High Street
Kent TN8 5AX
email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 1732 866955
The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust
24466 Malibu Rd
CA 90265
email: [email protected]
Tel: +1-310-777-3555
George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust (Kenya) Elgeyo Marakwet Close
PO Box 57792
© 2024 KORA PROJECT – The George Adamson & Tony Fitzjohn Wildlife Trust
UK: Registered Charity number 279598
USA: Non-profit organisation 501(c)3
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